ANTIQUE REELSKentucky, Fly, Collectible & Big Game Fishing ReelsLighthouse Point, Florida Tom Greene Phone: (954) 415-2670 |
Antique Reels website is about American-made antique fishing reels, the fun of collecting, and hopefully a way to help those who want to sell a reel or learn more about reels they possess.
Kentucky-made and other early brass and German-silver reels are our specialty as are American-made fly and turn of the century salt-water high-grade reels. You will find quality photos of rare reels by Sage, Milam, Meek, vom Hofe, Fin-Nor, Heddon, and many others from Tom Greene's collection on this web site. Specializing in Salmon, Fly, Kentucky, and all early Big Game reels.
Tom Greene
Who is Tom Greene? |
Former owner (43 years)CUSTOM ROD & REELSport Fishing Tackle Store Lighthouse Point, Florida
Collector of high-gradeantique fishing reelsTom Greene & TV fishing expert Mark Sosin Tom Greene is a member of:
Search this Fishing Reel Website
Contact Tom Greene
Photos of Early Collector ReelsLook at the reel photos below and see if you have anything like these:
Rod & Reel Parts, Cases & Boxes WANTED
Paying top dollar for excellent condition antique rods and reels. Also buying pre-1930 reel parts for the type reels shown on this site
Especially looking to buy, original wood, leather, and maker cardboard boxes for early reels. Paying top dollar for just the empty box, more with the original reel and paper.
Call Tom for an offer before you sell to anyone else:
Phone: (954) 415-2670
"If you don't ask me how much I'll pay... we both lose"
Names of bait caster, fly, and smaller reels which I collect and wish to purchase. Also I want to buy original boxes and parts for any and all of these... |
LEONARD: Leonard-Mills |
KOVALOVSKY: large reels |
BATE: T.H. Bate or T.H. Bate & Co. |
MEEK: B.F. Meek, |
MEEK: B.F. Meek & Sons |
MEEK: Meek & Milam |
CHUBB: Thos. Chubb |
MEEK: JF & BF Meek |
CONROY: J.C. Conroy, Thos. Conroy |
MILAM: B.C. Milam (& Son) |
FIN-NOR: flyreels |
MILLS: Wm. Mills & Son |
FIN-NOR: Big Game reels |
SAGE: J.L. Sage |
FOSS: Al Foss |
SEAMASTER: Flyreels |
FOWLER: A.H. Fowler |
SNYDER: George Snyder "GS" |
FULLILOVE: Frank W. Fullilove |
TALBOT: Wm. Talbot |
HEDDON: No.'s 30, 35, 40 |
VOM HOFE: F. vom Hofe |
HEDDON: No.'s 45, 3-15, 3-24 |
VOM HOFE: Julius vom Hofe |
HEDDON: No.'s, 3-30, 3-35, 4-15, 4-18 |
VOM HOFE: Edward vom Hofe |
HENSHALL: Henshall-Van Antwerp |
WISNER: C.H.Wisner |
HORTON: Horton Mfg. Co. |
WELCH: Jack Welch |
GAYLE: Geo. W. Gayle ( & Son ) |
WHEELER: Wheeler & McGregor |
LEONARD: H.L. Leonard |
See an extensive list of other 'valuable' reels I want to buy |
Call me! Email me! Tell me what you have for sale...
Tom Greene LOVES and buys
Big Game REELS
Names of some of the Big Game REELS I want to buy...
Phone: (954) 415-2670
Always buying 'Big Game reels' and 'heavy duty' antique fishing rods by any of the above makers or wood rods by Tycoon or Arthur Kolvalovsky CALL TOM FOR AN $$$ OFFER ON YOUR BIG GAME ROD
As a long-term collector of high-grade antique fishing reels, I am always interested in adding quality pieces, like those seen on this site, to my collection. If you have early fishing reels, like those listed on this site which you wish to sell, please call me.
Before you sell your reel or lures OR Big Game rods call or e-mail me, Tom Greene
I pay top dollar for quality early big game rods and big game reels
If you don't call me...we both lose
Tom Greene's personal antique reel collection 2019
Go to Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
If you have antique reels, Kentucky reels, big game rods and reels, or early fly reels you wish to sell:
Contact Information for Tom Greene
Search this site only | Home page
Phone: (954) 415-2670
Other Web Sites by Tom Greene (Tom Greene's book on fishing stories) |
Web Site created 10-3-1997 Copyrighted 1997- 2023
Last updated: Friday, May 5, 2023
All photos on this website are the personal property of Thomas Greene, and may not be reproduced in print or on the internet in any form without the expressed written permission of Thomas Greene. Permission may be given without compensation if the use is intended for non-commercial production. Otherwise photo release documents and our production costs will be necessary for commercial use of any and all photos on this site.
All content on this site is copyrighted and owned by Tom Greene, Lighthouse Point, Florida.